Everyone Loves Goodies. Fetch Some.
shop. pretty things. local.
best kept secret
Gwen’s vision was to create the region’s first true boutique that would be a far cry from your typical pet store. The team searches to great lengths to find quality pet gifts, and hip and trendy goods that bring you joy, comfort, and a unique vintage feel for your home or your pet’s. The guests two legged and four can explore together through the natural pet care items, candles, home decor, wall art along with toys, organic treats for the pups, quality dog food, and unique items for you. It’s quite a mix. We hope you leave feeling refreshed and inspired from a visit to Canine Colony!

everyone loves
pretty things.
When you receive a gift, half the fun is opening it and the wonder. We believe that experience should be pretty too. For the canine and felines in your life, the teachers, the moms, the best friends and the great team members we have something special for them. We are open early so you can select something and have it beautifully wrapped even on your way to work. Make the little things special.
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When it comes to Canine Colony, it’s not just the place your dog loves but an experience for you. Hosting events and spending time with you is a good day. We offer several occasions each with their own intention like Midwest Hometown Marketdays and participating in Vintage Shop Hop!